At Deshmukh, The Department of Radiology offers a full range of imaging services, including ultrasound and x-ray. We are dedicated to minimising radiation and ensuring that your time with us is as safe and comfortable as possible.
Our team of radiology includes consultant radiologists, sonographers, radiographers, health care assistants, nuclear medicine technicians and administrative staff.
Radiology Services and Procedures
An X-ray is one of the most commonly used techniques for imaging the body’s internal structures. X-rays require a small amount of radiation to visualize internal structures and help doctors diagnose and monitor the condition of patients.
Deshmukh Hospital’ fluoroscopy and digital radiography system use the latest technology that provides high-quality images for every diagnostic exam. With the use of state-of-the-art techniques and equipment, the risk of radiation in modern X-ray equipment is very low. X-rays images show different body structures in various shades of grey. In areas that absorb the X-rays well, such as bones, the grey color appears lighter, and the areas that do not incorporate the X-rays well, the grey color appears deeper. The images obtained from an X-rays can either be still or moving.
There are no specific rules for preparing for an X-rays examination. However, In Deshmukh Hospitals, you may need to keep certain things in mind including:
You may be asked to either lie down or stand up depending on the areas of your body being examined. The x-ray tube will be located over the table, and the film will be in a drawer under the table. Through your body, the machine will start sending a beam of radiation and your dense, hard bones will block them and create a white film. The radiation can also pass through soft tissues such as fat and muscle, which appears as the grey color in the X-ray report. The air in your lungs will look black.
The complete process is painless, and it takes just a few minutes. After the completion of the process, you may ask to leave the Radiology Department of Deshmukh and wait outside.
The primary goal of Deshmukh Hospital is to provide a safe, effective, and comfortable imaging experience to their patients. Our department of radiology is specialized in imaging for children, infants, pregnant women. Our state-of-art imaging techniques and latest technology offer safe the low-dose and the most radiation-free options in the region.
Ultrasound is a painless and safe procedure which helps to view the unborn baby inside the womb. Ultrasound imaging, also known as sonography or ultrasound scanning, involves the use of ultrasound gel placed directly on the skin and a small transducer (probe). At Deshmukh, the procedure does not include the use of ionizing radiation. Hence, it is safe for the monitoring and diagnosis of pregnant women and their unborn child.
Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) is an X-ray test of female fertility potential. This is performed to examine the fallopian tubes and uterus of a woman who is having difficulty becoming pregnant. Also, it can give a hint on miscarriages resulting from disorders within the uterus and determining the existence and severity of tumor masses, uterine fibroids, and adhesions. It is a noninvasive medical test that helps our doctors evaluate the shape and structure of the uterus, any scarring within the uterine or abdominal cavity, and the openness of the fallopian tubes.
It is also used to monitor the effects of tubal surgery such as:
Hysterosalpingogram is performed in the Radiology Department of Deshmukh Hospital after cessation of menstruation but before ovulation. If you have an active inflammatory condition, an untreated sexually transmitted disease, or a chronic pelvic infection, inform the doctors prior to the procedure.
The night before the procedure you may be asked to take a drug to clear your bowel so that the uterus and surrounding structures can be examined clearly. You may also be asked to take medication to reduce any discomfort. During the procedure, you may have to lie down face up on the test table and bring your feet up like a frog leg position. Then, the doctor will place a speculum in the vagina and visualizes the cervix. A small balloon or a small tube is inserted into the uterus, and clear x-ray fluid is injected into the uterus. In the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes, the passage of the fluid is being monitored by fluoroscopy. Once, the procedure is finished, the instruments are removed from the vagina and cervix. You can expect the test results on the same day.
The test may also help to determine abnormalities of the uterine cavity including fibroids, scar tissue, deformity, or polyps, and the blockage of the fallopian tubes.
Deshmukh Hospital provide high-quality and comprehensive care to their patient. As our patient, you can take advantage of several benefits at Deshmukh Hospitals, including advanced technology for diagnosis and treatment, larger exam rooms and restrooms for your comfort, enhanced patient privacy, and our approach towards the health of women which include bringing many specialists together in one location.
Ultrasound is a painless and safe procedure which creates images of a child. Ultrasound imaging, also known as sonography or ultrasound scanning, involves the use of ultrasound gel placed directly on your skin and a small transducer (probe). At Deshmukh, the procedure does not include the use of ionizing radiation. Hence, it is safe for the monitoring and diagnosis of pregnant women and their child.
At Deshmukh Hospital, ultrasound images are obtained in real-time. Hence, it shows the structure and movement of the physical organs of the body as well as the blood flowing through the blood vessels.
Obstetric Ultrasound uses sound waves to create images of a child (fetus or embryo) within a pregnant woman, as well as the ovaries and uterus of a mother.
The most common uses of the procedure include:
Deshmukh Hospitals offer obstetric ultrasound in two ways,
In Deshmukh Hospitals, you will be deployed to lying face-up on a test table that can be easily moved or tilted. Then, a trained supervisor will apply a warm water-based gel to the abdomen. This gel will allow a secure contact with the body and eliminate air pockets between the skin and the probe, which can prevent the sound waves from passing into your body. The transducer is placed in such a way that it can be moved back and forth to capture the desired image. It is the most commonly used procedures during pregnancy
Our team of experts at Deshmukh Hospital preferred abdominal ultrasound over vaginal ultrasound because vaginal ultrasound is restricted to the first trimester of pregnancy. In order to perform this procedure, your bladder needs to be emptied.
Benefits of Obstetric Ultrasound
The state-of-art ultrasound and scanning equipment present at Deshmukh Hospitals help monitoring and diagnosis of pregnant women and their unborn babies. The hospital offers their best services that you and your new baby deserve. Our special obstetric team provides expectant parents with all necessary maternity services.
A Pelvic/Gynecology Ultrasound scan is the most useful imaging modality used to visualize the bladder and the pelvic organs. This is performed to monitor the development and health of the fetus or embryo. At Deshmukh Hospitals, the pelvic ultrasound is performed in two methods including Transvaginal (via the vagina) and Supra-pubic (through a full bladder).
At Deshmukh Hospitals, there is no specified preparation for the transvaginal ultrasound. This is usually employed to examine the pelvis, ovaries, or part of the womb. You may be asked to either lie down on your back or on your side with knees bent and legs apart or with your knees drawn up to your chest. The best sonographer at Deshmukh Hospitals will lubricate a small probe (transducer) with gel and put it in the vagina. It is a painless procedure, although you may feel a little uncomfortable during the procedure.
For Supra-pubic ultrasound, you may be asked to drink water before the test to fill the bladder. This will help the sonographer to examine your ovaries and uterus comfortably. To perform the test, you may be asked to lie on your back on a test table. The sonographer at Deshmukh Hospital will spread a warm water-based gel on your abdomen. Then, they press and move the transducer back and forth to image the area of interest. Once the test is done, the sonographer will wipe off the gel. The entire test will take up to 30 minutes.
At Deshmukh Hospital, we focus on providing the most comprehensive care and highest quality services to the mother and their child. We offer various gynecology imaging services performed with ultrasound. The entire staff of Deshmukh Hospital delivers exceptional patient care and create a caring environment for their patients.
The state-of-art ultrasound and scanning equipment available at Deshmukh Hospitals help to produce a clear picture of the internal organs and blood vessels within the abdomen of a child. At Deshmukh Hospitals, Paediatric Ultrasound is performed with the best sonographer.
A pediatric ultrasound is an examination of the child’s abdomen with the help of an ultrasound machine. The procedure involves an ultrasound gel and a small probe (transducer) that uses sound waves to produce an image. It is a non-invasive medical examination that helps our experts diagnose and treats abdominal pain and investigate the other useful information about other organs such as liver and kidneys.
At Deshmukh Hospitals, the Paediatric Ultrasound can be performed to examine the patient’s
These ultrasound images are essential to diagnose appendicitis in children.
The doctors at Deshmukh can also perform a paediatric ultrasound to:
In Deshmukh Hospital, a team of specialists works together to deliver world-renowned and comprehensive care. To prepare for the procedure, your child is not allowed to eat and drink for at least 3 hours (for younger children) or 10 hours (for older children) before the procedure. Your child needs to wear a loose-fitting, comfortable dress during the whole process. Depending on the type of ultrasound, the assigned doctor may discuss the other details with you.
During the examination, your child needs to lie down on his or her back on a test table. The sonographer or radiologist at Deshmukh Hospital will spread a clear, water-based gel on the skin. Then, they press and move the probe back and forth to produce the desired image. Once the imaging is complete, the gel will be wiped off your child’s skin.
Deshmukh Hospitals are one of the best hospitals in India for a pediatric ultrasound. We offer the spectrum of paediatric imaging services performed with ultrasound. Our team of imaging specialists includes paediatric radiologist who works with the diagnostic team along with a paediatric specialist to offer the best possible care to your child.
An electrocardiogram (ECG) is a test which measures the electrical activity of your heart to show whether or not it is working normally.
An ECG records the heart’s rhythm and activity on a moving strip of paper or a line on a screen. Your doctor can read and interpret the peaks and dips on paper or screen to see if there is any abnormal or unusual activity.
An electrocardiogram can be a useful way to find out whether your high blood pressure has caused any damage to your heart or blood vessels. Because of this, you may be asked to have an ECG when you are first diagnosed with high blood pressure.
Some of the things an ECG reading can detect are:
An ECG (Electrocardiogram) is a safe and painless test which normally only takes a few minutes. Leads from an electrocardiograph machine are attached to the skin on your arms, legs and chest using sticky patches.
These leads read signals from your heart and send this information to the electrocardiograph. The machine then prints the reading on a paper strip or on a screen.