Neurosurgery is the branch of medicine concerned with the diagnosis, study, and treatment of injuries, diseases, and disorders of the brain, and the nervous system of the body. It is a super specialty offered at Deshmukh Hospital. Our neurologists and neurosurgeons are alumni of top medical universities, committed to provide our patients with the best treatment for neurological disorders and diseases like brain tumors, spinal tumors and degenerative spine disease. We also provide advanced clinical care, focusing on using minimally invasive technologies to treat our patients. Modern treatments for disorders like seizures and epilepsy Parkinson's disease are further specializations that we offer.
Neurosurgery comprises of surgery of the brain, spine, spinal cord and peripheral nerves. With the advancement of operating microscopes, neurosurgeons can now perform complex brain surgeries.
Chronic conditions like Trigeminal Neuralgia which requires lifelong medication, can now be cured with Micro-Neuro surgery. Complex tumours have been eradicated without any damage to the brain or any other part. Complex tumours in elderly patients have also been treated successfully. Such outcomes are possible only with our team of skilled & dedicated surgeons, nursing & paramedical staff, and regular trainings.